Friday, March 18, 2011

The Color of Love: A Mother's Choice in the Jim Crow South

The Color of Love: A Mother's Choice in the Jim Crow South

Reading this book was painful for me. Don't get me wrong- it's a wonderfully told story of love in spite of circumstance- but it hit VERY close to home. My interracial parents were married in the eastern part of NC in the same timeframe as this book and endured a lot of racism, including death threats when my mother became pregnant with me. To have to deal with alcoholism, family betrayal, racism and manage grow up without becoming insane is a testament to Gene Cheek's inner strength. I'd like to meet him someday.

As far as the book goes- I would highly recommend this to anyone, but especially to people who need to realize that love IS color-blind. You can't stop it, change it, or make it go away. Trying to destroy it because you don't like or understand it just tears everyone apart- epsecially the innocent- and leaves scars that never truly heal.

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